Thursday, October 06, 2011


It's "the worst financial crisis the world has ever faced"! Ever! So says the Governor of the BOE. No savings earnings for old people to live on, no jobs for the young, higher prices for basics for everyone and a life style worse than the Great Depression for most everyone...forever.

"Global financial meltdown in two weeks" says an IMF adviser. "More serious than 2008" says Shapiro. 

Thank God that hippie communists are protesting at banks. That should fix the problem.

Nobody is listening anymore. It's "whatever". DOW down then up then down after lying bastards open their mouths, speak then scurry away. Most people are just sick of the story.

Recent hits on this blog of late are the normal distribution curve, Sarah Palin's ass, Jennifer Anniston sucking a banana and Fukashima radiation. I have nothing on Sarah's ass, no story or photos but visitors still come for a peek at her backside. Go here if you want to get some hate filled, leftist garbage on a woman that terrifies them.

Apple technology sucks, always has, always will. Over-priced hippie gear from the Cult of Apple. I never owned any and never will. Jobs died? So what. He moved Apple to China and killed US jobs. Jobs killed american jobs. He dines with Ted Kennedy in hell tonight.


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