Saturday, October 01, 2011

Clinton Wants More Credit?

I'll give the lying prick more credit. Let's start with credit for crashing the US economy with his program of giving mortgages to people who never could pay them. And I'll give him credit for the HUD programs that put welfare ghetto rats in suburban rentals so I could raise their little ghetto rats. Oh, and credit for his whorish leadership that made teenage blow jobs mainstream (as well as all the other self-centered, sluttish behavior in modern america).

And it gets personal. I had to go to my daughter's middle school to have a desk removed from service that had "Amanda sucks Bill Clinton's cock" carved in the seat. I'd seen "Jane sucks cock" written and carved in desks before. But never saw "Jane sucks Abraham Lincoln's cock" carved anywhere. Why would a kid choose that combination? I'll give Bill Clinton credit for that.

The lying motherfucker can eat shit and die as far as I'm concerned...and get all the credit for his worthless fucking life. Spit.


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