Saturday, January 29, 2011

return to quiet meaninglessness

The market got creamed yesterday, experts say it was on account of the riots in Egypt. There was speculation that oil prices could rise to near $100/bbl on fear the Suez could be closed because of the "trouble". Others claimed it was the 3.2% 4th quarter US growth number reported, or more joblessness or even traders taking profits. I dunno. Our portfolio got whacked pretty good.

Hezbollah is running Lebannon and, if Mubarak falls in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood will be running Egypt. Not good for anyone. Just more violence and poverty for everyone since Muslims are incapable of generating human freedom or wealth.

Religion is just codified culture. What does Islam tell you about the culture of those who embrace it? Slavery, mistreatment of women, no rights, violence used to resolve every dispute, continual warfare, racism, I could go on and on. The people whose culture embraces Islam are genetic failures, barbaric savages who never evolved from hunter-gatherer man. Ideally they would kill each other off in their riots and leave Egypt devoid of man.

What has Egypt contributed to mankind in the last 2000 years? Mohammed Atta? Anything? No, it is just a place where history once took place. It is a museum inhabited by a dead people who embrace a culture of death. The existence of Egyptians only makes me poorer, past, present and future.

My message to Egyptians is finish your violence and return to quiet meaninglessness.


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