Friday, January 28, 2011

After the Meeting

I attended the company press conference that featured a speech by the vice president. Basically I was in federal custody for several hours. We were herded into a confined space with no chairs, restrooms, food or water for almost four hours. The event occurred during lunch time, so everyone missed lunch. Several diabetics suffered low blood sugar events, requiring rescue by paramedics.

The Secret Service do not care about anyone but the politician that they guard. We were all considered enemies and potential assassins. I talked at length with individuals who were privy to security details and was shocked at how meaningless american civilians were in security deliberations. I'm no longer going to care about secret service agents who routinely run over americans as they do their job.

Biden spoke on innovation and optimism. Nothing new or interesting. He called the company by the wrong name multiple times, beclowning himself as usual. I didn't bother to go forward to shake the clown's hand. I wouldn't give him that much respect.

The event was pointless, boring and exhausting for many of us. We were cutouts in the company and political propaganda event. I will never participate again. I advised my boss that I would call in sick if this kind of event is staged in the future. I don't want to be involved in any way.


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