Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chinese Spread Their Wings

The Chinese are spreading their wings and the results will not be good for mankind. Global elites have empowered the tyrannical Chinese leadership for two decades. Soon we will all reap the rotten harvest they have sown.

In recent years the Chinese have tested space based weapons and ground based laser systems. The Chinese have purchased a Russian aircraft carrier and are building carriers themselves. Now they have deployed a ballistic anti-ship missile that threatens US carrier battle groups in the Pacific.

Considering the tyrannical nature of the Chinese government, none of these developments will be used to insure peace in the world. China will use these weapons to enforce compliance with Chinese interests. And like the Mongol hordes, Chinese interests only serve Chinese.

The Chinese have demonstrated their willingness to confront adversaries without regard to consequences. Remember the US spy plane forced down in 2000, DPRK attacks on ROK and confrontations with Japanese vessels. China recognizes no law but Chinese interests.

The Chinese have a strategy and barring a US strategy the Chinese will always get their way. The US plan seems to be, keep feeding China jobs and revenue while hoping the Chinese become more liberal. This is a fool's errand that will fail. When China eventually strangles from lack of resources, they will move to take what they believe they deserve. Then what?

US carrier battle groups are dinosaurs on the 21st century battlefield. Obsolete as battleships in WW2. If the US has any interest in military prowess I hope they are developing weapon systems to counter emerging Chinese threats. Otherwise the US will be reduced to spectators as the Chinese hordes take what they need.


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