Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just Me and God

Thirty years ago I despised both democrats and republicans. I wrote letters to them concerning policies and even met with a US senator and state Lt. governor who read my opinion into the Congresssional record. But my views were ignored while the powerful got their way.

After 911 I thought that the Bush administration might actually look after the views of the common american. I was wrong. Despite his initial talk, he and his party only looked after the global elites. Bush used common americans to enrich and empower the global elites. Obama the same.

Now I'm back to where I was 30 years ago. I despise both democrats and republicans, knowing they will not support the views of the common man, only the powerful elites that run our world. Letters to elected officials are ignored and all legislation only benefits the global elites. The Constitution is co-opted daily and is generally irrelevant.

The truth is that we live in a lawless, corrupt global empire ruled not by any nation of citizens but by a small global elite that act like Caesars. All one can do is jockey for position in the Leviathan and hope for luck to carry them through without offending God.

In my last years before I go to God, I am a member of nothing but my family. I am not a valued employee, a citizen of a city, state or country nor a party member. I am but me doing what is right by God and to my family. I will perform my basic duties at work and in the communities I live in but I will not be mustered under a flag or behind a leader in the lawless, corrupt world in which I live. I will only muster for God and family, which are lawful and decent. On occasion I will support friends, neighbors and coworkers, but only when their cause is lawful and decent under God.

In the end, there is just me and God, with my family standing nearby.


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