Sunday, June 06, 2010

Rachel Corrie:Terrorist Enabler

By my reckoning, Rachel Corrie was both stupid and a terrorist enabler.

Stupid?  Indeed. Sitting down in front of one of these is stupid. The Cat D9 is big, heavy and powerful. The driver has limited vision, even less with the armored cage necessary to protect the driver from Philistine barbarians. Only a certifiable idiot would sit down in front of a D9.

Terrorist enabler? Yeahhuh. Hamas was using houses near the Israeli/Gaza border to indiscriminantly fire rockets at civilians. I think any reasonable person could define this as terror. Israel was destroying houses that served as launch sites. Certainly reasonable behavior for any government charged with the responsibility of protecting it's citizens.
Rachel purposely joined the thug supporting ISM and willingly sat down in front of IDF D9 bulldozers to stop them from razing Hamas rocket firing positions. In effect, Rachel wanted to help Hamas kill Israelis, including innocent women and children.

Notice the hard look and keffiyeh around this terrorist enabler's neck as she sits under camoflage netting. This murderous little bitch was a soldier of allah, ready to sacrifice herself so Philistines can blow Israeli men, women and children to pieces. Well she sacrificed herself alright, a chunk of concrete crushed her like a bug.

I'm sure she's being comforted in paradise by mohammed and yasser, oh wait, that's just for the guys. Maybe she's hosing yasser down with a fire hose as he burns in hell or cleaning up after mohammed pleasures his 72 virgins.

Now comes news that Craig Corrie is suing Israel and Catepiller for $324,000. Rachel's father, Craig, had a responsibility to protect his daughter. He failed when he let her go help terrorists murder civilians. This piece of shit ought to apologize to Israelis for his failure to properly raise a decent daughter. Instead he wants to make money off of his failure and his daughter's murderous stupidity.

Just look at these freaks who raised a monster. This is what your daughter fought and died for. So your daughter's pals could murder these girls, their mother and the baby in her womb then celebrate the murder of children.

May 3, 2004 -- JERUSALEM - Palestinian fiends mercilessly gunned down a pregnant Jewish settler and her four terrified little girls in their station wagon yesterday.... After riddling the car with gunfire on a road leading to Israel, the two terrorists then ran up to the vehicle and coldbloodedly pumped bullets into each of their victims' heads to make sure they had finished the job, Israeli police said.
One of the gunmen also shot the swollen belly of the eight-months-pregnant mom at point-blank range.

...the killers videotaped the Hatuels being ripped apart by their bullets and bleeding to death.
Palestinian Arabs throughout Judea celebrated the murders of Tali and her girls .


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