Friday, June 04, 2010

Yuck...But I couldn't resist

                 This old sea hag eats dog shit right off the lawn.

I tell you what Helen, why don't you fly your broom back to where you came from. Like...hell. Who made you decider of anything, let alone where Jews should or can live? I think that you ought to be living in a mental institution or prison for misrepresenting yourself as a journalist. Racist? You betcha.

                        Sir AssMunchen over-the-hill has-been loser.

I thought that the Beatles were pretty cool when I was 14 because they could make girls scream and faint in lust. They're music was nifty for awhile then they went weird, with John going communist and preachy. But Paul just made music with his very untalented wife. Kinda sad. Then Sir Paul went freaky for a one-legged, carnival sideshow gold digger. Kinda pathetic. Now Sir Asskisser has tingly thighs for Obumba and wants to tell me to shutup about his boy-pal. Yuck. Well Paulie, if you want to go all Larry Sinclair gay for the magical negro, it's a free country. You can floss with Baraq. But FU with the shutup you pathetic, wrinkly has-been.


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