Saturday, June 05, 2010

Fight the Evil

IDF reports and this JP article identify the terrorists aboard the Mavi Marmara as "trained military" who ambushed the Israeli commandos when they boarded the ship. Listen to the response by "activists" to Israeli naval personnel. Evil?

This event reveals three troubling issues.

Firstly. Almost every government in the world and most of the news media hate Israel and want it destroyed. If you believe as I do, that no entity has seriously made any attempt to stop the Iranian nuclear weapons project, then the reaction of both government and the media to this staged event is chilling.

Our species wants to exterminate an entire race in their homeland. Furthermore, the world prefers Islamist barbarians who have never created anything but slavery and mayhem over a civilized people who have created a nation of freedom and wealth.

Second. Israel has made every attempt to give the Phillistines and Islamists an opportunity to build a homeland, even to the detriment of their own security. Every gesture has been turned into opportunity to attack and destroy Israel. Neither Hamas nor any other Islamist state are prepared to accept the right of Israel to exist nor Jews to live.

Israelis need to accept the fact that no gesture or act will be enough to satify Islamists. Israel is in an existential war with no rules, no support from the world with stakes of life and death for all Jews. If the Israelis don't learn to be more brutal than their opponents, they will be exterminated. Israel needs to stop caring what a world that hates them thinks.

Third. If we want a civilized world we better be prepared to start culling the barbarians and their sympathizers. All beliefs are not equal. Murder, oppression, slavery, theft and coveting your neighbors property are sins. They are evil. Any culture or religion that engage in sinful behavior, and their sympathizers are evil. They must be destroyed, not negotiated with. One cannot live in peace and abide evil. It will only corrupt and destroy if left in peace.

I supported Bush's war to topple Saddam Hussien principally because of the regime's corrupting influence on the entire world. The regime was pure evil. Even Bill Clinton was corrupted through Marc Rich by the dark pool of oil-for-food money in Iraq. The UN, Chirac and others were utterly corrupted by the money from this evil state.

Baraq Obumba is thoroughly corrupted by the power of evil. His evil began with his conception by his muslim father and communist mother, through his racist/marxist mentoring by Frank Davis, his rise to power through Chicago politics with Iraqi/Rezco money to his worship at Wright's black nationalist coven. Pure, unadulterated evil. This man is surrounded by demons who guide his every step.

In summary, Satan owns this world lock, stock and barrel. You must find God and fight evil to save your soul. It is a personal struggle, fraught with peril. But it is imperative that you do so. God give us strength and help us reject the ever-evil that threatens us.

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