Friday, June 04, 2010

It Don't Mean Nothing

I'm using this blog as a means of organizing my thoughts on various topics and venting my frustrations.

My wife prefers to ignore the larger world, focusing on her mother, our daughters and grandboys. She doesn't even want to know that everything is falling apart. So I keep my peace about it.

I frighten people when I share my thoughts about current events. I'm too pessimistic and gloomy for most. Most people prefer blissful ignorance or half-assed understanding based upon their topical feelings. Analysis with historical background is just too, too much.

So I blog my musings.

Frankly, I don't even know why I care. I can't do anything to change the destructive path our species has taken. No one cares what I think about anything. So this blog is meaningless.

I suppose it's human nature to watch the train wreck and take a peek at the dead guy in the crashed car on the side of the road. You know it's going to be gross, but you just have to look. Then you mumble to yourself, "Yep, he's deader than a doornail. What the hell was he thinkin?" That's this blog in a nutshell.

I'm not very smart, I'm opinionated, I don't write well and I often get things wrong. I'm not as sharp as I was a few years ago. I get worse every day. Thank God nobody reads this crap. But it helps me, so I do it.

It don't mean nothin.


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