Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Building a Self-Mending Fence on the Border

A Mexican punk thought it would be fun to throw rocks at a US border patrol agent as he detained a wetback on US soil. The boy thought it would be safe to pummel the border cop with rocks from his side of the border. It was just play. El Presidente , el Govenor of Chihuahua, his neighbors all said that the gringos were racists. It's Ok to throw rocks at gringos.


The border cop shot the young mestizo dead. Mexican "police" were summoned, who crossed the border, picked up a shell casing and took it to their side of the border to frame the gringo for shooting the mestizo punk on the Mexican side of the border. It happens in lawless Mexico everyday. Maybe they'll get a payoff from the stupid gringos.

Weapons were pointed at americans by Mexican "cops" and mestizo politicians wail and whine and stir up their ignorant populace against gringos. But that won't stop mestizos from crossing the border to invade  the land of the hated gringos.

Different part of the world but Philistines do the same shit on the Israeli-Gaza border. Mestizos and Palestinians both blame their neighbors for all that ails them while giving their leaders a pass. Leaders in both places rile the populace against their neighbors as they fail their own people. Meanwhile stupid mestizos and philistines get themselves killed attacking and invading their neighbors. Dysfunctional at all levels eh?

Border patrol cops aren't defending the borders these days. They're just trying to defend themselves for another shift and go home. The citizens that the border cops are defending don't appreciate their effort or even care anymore, nor does the government that put them there.

Cops in america would put your ass in jail if ya'll were tossing rocks at Mexican border cops. The Mexican cops might just shoot you too. Have you ever heard of Mexican cops getting pummeled with american rocks? I haven't. Sergio played a dangerous game, that Mexican adults encouraged. Mexico killed the boy as sure as they shot him themselves. But Mexico kills a lot of their people and really don't seem to care one bit. Mexico only cares if a mestizo dies here. Then americans are racists. Feck em.

The US-Mexican border is a failed state and just might end up with a shooting war soon. Mestizos will start it but americans will finish it. I'm starting to hate the barbarians and think we ought to build a fence on the border out of mestizo corpses. Just shoot em and let the pile grow. Make em crawl over a a rotting pile of their brown brothers if they want to invade the US. It will deter quite a few but because of mestizo stupidity, the fence will be self-mending.

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