Saturday, January 09, 2010

My Prognosis for America

The US economy is paralyzed and will remain so until the next domino falls and pushes the country into an even deeper recession. There are plenty of dominoes that could fall. Thousands of dubious mortgages will reset over the next few years on houses whose value has plummeted. Interest rates can only go up. Tax rates will go up. Terrorism in America is a certainty. Any of these dominoes will push the country deeper into decline.

Billions of promised government stimulus funds have not been spent and effectively no jobs have been created. The stimulus has only delayed the inevitable dislocations that must occur. Despite borrowing and printing money, the government simply doesn't have the resources to fix the recent problems that they created.
The next round of economic problems will be beyond the ability of government or the American people to overcome.

Government reports of economic growth are just lies. Americans are using savings to maintain their standard of living and with forecasts of a decade of stagnation the savings will vanish leaving Americans financially ruined. Within a generation, America will look more like the 1930s with a small middle class and most people just struggling to get by.

US manufacturing is in utter collapse. In 2009 the Chinese bought more new cars than Americans. GM and Chrysler are dying. By the end of the decade, manufacturing will only represent 5 percent of GDP with government and services responsible for 95 percent of GDP. As Americans grow poorer, service will shrink and government will grow until all wealth is consumed. Since government cannot create wealth, the end will come soon.

Read the CIA World Factbook to get a feel of where we're headed.

The democrats now own the US government in perpetuity. As the cohort born in the 1920-40s dies, conservationism dies, thus the GOP is dying. With baby boomers evenly split between the parties and post-boomers decidedly liberal, it is inevitable that the democrats will hold power from now on. As the boomers age and the middle class shrinks, they will demand more government services which democrats will provide.

The democrat party has morphed into a socialist entity not unlike European parties. The agenda is elite power and redistribution of wealth for everyone else. According to socialist dogma, society must be homogenous and  without any other moral character than equal. Christianity=Islam=atheism and no idea is superior to any other idea.

The behavior of the US current president and congress ignoring the wishes of half the population and their party is the future. The democrats know what the people need and will force their will on the people. Individuals are expected to defer and submit to our rulers under penalty of law. Americans are now subjects of their democrat rulers.

Marriage is dead in America. In fact, there are no longer many long term relationships in this country. If a culture cannot produce families, how can it produce a community let alone maintain a nation? We are all just bits and pieces now with no long term commitment. All that matters is this minute and what can you do for me this minute.
Just look around you at work or while shopping. More than half of all Americans are fat pigs waddling around in tight clothes. There is no shame in America today. I see butt crack at work, school, shopping and even church. Modesty is no longer part of American culture.
Even Michelle Obama dresses like a freaky slut by wearing bondage belts at public functions. So much for representing our nation's new values I guess.

America is on autopilot these days. Government can't govern, leadership can't lead, educators can't educate and workers won't work. Everyone is just going through the motions, biding time and drawing a check. It amazes me that the stores have stock, the lights come on and anything works.
Incompetence is endemic in modern American culture. It is hard to find a responsible person or organization today. I have watched formerly successful business enterprises just collapse into a herd of cats wandering around in circles. The stories I could tell would make you weep. In short, we suck.

The blogosphere has been on fire over recent acts of terrorism. I think we should worry more about the three subjects that I commented about earlier. The government can't do anything to stop a serious terrorist who is willing to die for his beliefs. We will all be inconvenienced and treated like criminals in public, but the terrorist will always succeed, eventually.
We haven't been serious about killing those who want to kill us since the democrats took power. Our military efforts are just short of a joke. Our military is lucky if they can protect themselves under the current rules of engagement and they sure as hell can't protect us.
Americans are going to die at the hands of terrorists and that is just a modern fact of life. Eventually the terrorists will take out a major American city with a nuclear weapon or send us back to the stone age with an EMP attack. I wouldn't live in a major urban center for many reasons, among them fear of being incinerated by a nuclear weapon.
Considering our current approach, I think we should accept dead Americans from terrorists just like we accept crime, drug addiction, abortion and the other ills of our culture. Hell, we kill more American babies every year than Americans killed by terrorists. Just shrug and move along. Afligido acerca de su fortuna cabra!

The Afghanistan conflict is lost and sending more troops will only result in getting more of our best killed for no apparent reason. Although I admire the ideals of those who try to defend us, I wouldn't recommend the military to anyone in this environment. If you want to protect something, get a wife or a pet. At least no one will be trying to get you killed with political correctness.
The democrats will do what  they have done for the past 100 years, which is reduce our military to a parade ground bureacracy. Therefore there is no reason to station US troops outside of the US. Let other nations stand or fall on their own. We don't need troops in South Korea, Japan, Iraq, Germany or on the high seas. No country believes that the democrats would fight them.  We won't even challenge Somali pirates for God sake.So what is the point of overseas deployments?

Bring them all home now.  

America is done. It will stumble around for awhile like a zombie but this experiment is over. China is the up and coming world power and it will deal with it's problems in a far more effective manner. Americans seem to want the short, brutish and nasty life of our Dark Age ancestors. It is coming within a generation.
Perhaps Putin, Ahmadinejad, Bin Laden or some other tyrant who actually believes in something will unwittingly have mercy on us and put us out of our misery. But God no longer smiles on our cesspool so I suspect we will just go out with a whimper.


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