Sunday, November 15, 2009

No Flag over the Bruig

I hauled down my American flag today, had my wife wash and fold it respectfully and put it in a storage tote. There it will stay until we get our republic back from the likes of the grovelling shoeshine boy to the left. I am just disgusted by this metro-sexual piece of dog shit. El presidente calls me a tea-bagger while he bows to the Japanese emperor and, earlier this year, to the Saudi king.

My wife had argued previously that we should keep the flag up for what it used to stand for. But even my non-political wife agrees that this country has become something different. The flag is boxed up with things from our past.

My grandson and I watch the Goodnight Show on Sprout TV, a offshoot of PBS, where Nina teaches American children that they need to learn Spanish words. Over on Nick, the newest cartoon heros are Dora the explorer and Diego the animal rescuer. They too are insistent that little gringos learn to speak Spanish. Dragon Tales added a wise little latino boy to help the stupid American cartoon kids figure things out. Why do American children need to learn Spanish? Are we planning on becoming a province of Mexico?

El presidente just can't seem to make a decision on whether he should follow military advice and beef up the number of troops in Afghanistan or just let them get picked off a few at a time until we withdraw sometime down the road. Since the shoeshine boy doesn't want them to kill the enemy, I think he should just bring them home where they might be safe unless a American army jihadi decides to start shooting them like fish in a barrel on a US base. But he doesn't want to rush to judgement like he did with the racist Cambridge police. Tis better to dither while Americans die.
But el presidente will rush forward at lightning speed to pass soviet-style health care legislation or nationalize American assets. After all, the real enemy is racist white folk that must be demoralized, humiliated, looted and killed to set history right.

I want my republic back.


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