Saturday, October 24, 2009

Regime Report Card

Here we are in late October, the new regime has been in office for 9 months and it's time to evaluate what the new national leadership team has delivered.

The most important function of the federal government is national defense. We haven't been attacked or invaded so our defense is intact, for now. Iraq has gone quiet as US troops move to garrison in country. The US victory in Iraq will never be celebrated by this regime because Bush policies enabled it. Afghanistan is a defeat in the making due to administration rules of engagement. Defense programs from aircraft to missile defense are canceled. The regime wants to unilaterally and drastically reduce our nuclear arsenal. There will be no military adventures during the term of this regime no matter the provocation, except, of course, putting down Americans expressing constitutional rights.

As part of national defense, foreign policy is important. The US has backed off the world stage except to embrace tyrant-thugs like Zelaya, heap praise on murderers such as Mao and turn US foreign policy over to the UN. The Russians, Chinese, Iranians can do as they please. Our allies see the pattern and are cutting deals with nations that actually have national interests to ensure some stability. Meanwhile the US has no national interests nor is a force for freedom and human rights in the world.

The government of a capitalist republic doesn't control the economy. But it can set economic policy that influences the economy. This regime has looted the national treasury, put the nation in debt for generations while destroying the currency as it creates a soviet style planned economy. We are witnessing the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind, from the middle class to global elites. ARRA, health care reform, carbon cap and trade legislation are destroying the US economy and with it the middle class. Ten percent of American jobs have been permanently lost and entire industries are on life support as they slowly die. The government now runs large swaths of the economy and will run more if health care reform legislation passes. Clearly a Soviet planned economy is envisioned by this regime.

On the Constitution and law, this regime embraces totalitarian rule, appointing czars who are not accountable to elected officials or the people. Czar is Russian for caesar. Nowhere in the Constitution is caesar mentioned. The regime has made clear that czars may not be questioned or even interviewed. What does this sound like? This regime campaigned for nonpartisanship, transparency and post-racial unity. Anyone who questions the regime's policies is labeled a racist or terrorist and locked out of discussion. This is the most partisan administration in my lifetime that operates behind closed doors and smears dissenters as criminals. The Constitution is clearly under attack and will fail if this regime has it's way.
This administration rules by crisis. Everything on their agenda is a crisis that only more government can solve by giving government more power. The economy, health care, carbon restriction, swine flu. Everything is a crisis that needs a czar to tell us what to think and do. To disagree is to be a racist, terrorist criminal. This is policy.

I could go on, but these three functions are clearly huge failures that illustrate the utter failure of this regime. If the US were a business, it would be shuttered and in liquidation. The management would be disgraced and in seclusion, waiting for the inevitable indictments and law suits.

This regime failed this grading period and is on probation. If the regime doesn't turn this unacceptable performance around, it will be dismissed.


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