Saturday, November 07, 2009

Our American Soviet Government

Reading the news this week, I'm starting to believe that I'm living in country whose leadership wants to re-create the Soviet Union.

House democrats want to pass legislation that requires Americans to buy congressionaly approved health insurance or go to prison. The insurance coverage that congess is mandating would cost $15000 per year for a married couple. Employers would be forced to provide mandated insurance, increasing their costs in the midst of a near economic depression. For many employers, this will mean staff reductions. For employees with health insurance, this will most likely result in higher monthly premiums and copays. For those already on government sponsored insurance, the status quo will continue. But the self-employed will suffer and many will go out of business.

Our government is treating us as children who must be told what to do, what to buy and what to think. Americans are no longer responsible, adult citizens that can look after their own best interests. Instead, we are children that must be ordered about by the nanny state.

The deaths of 13 US soldiers at Fort Hood was the result of our politically correct, nanny government forcing Americans to abandon common sense and allow the enemy to serve in our military. Could you imagine the military being forced to enlist Nazis during Word War 2? All the signs that Hasan was a jihadist were there for anyone to see but no-one acted because of political correctness. The soldiers that died were in fact murdered by the US government.

Meanwhile our dear leader dithers while the military situation in Afghanistan deteriorates. In my mind, every death of an American soldier because of idiotic rules of engagement is blood on the presidente's hands. This jackass couldn't run a group of referrees at a youth soccer game let alone the US military. Bring them home now so they can at least die on American bases at the hands of jihadists.

Meanwhile the government was surprised that unemployment exceeded 10%. Yep, surprised. This news undercuts their spin that the economy is improving. Some think we are in real trouble.
I agree with pundits who believe that the real unemployment rate is closer to 20% when you consider under-employment. Many people are working fewer hours for fewer dollars or have just retired early when they would have liked to work longer.
The government considers me employed even though I'm a contract employee with no benefits making 2/3 what I was worth two years ago. The government won't be harvesting big tax receipts from me based upon what I'm earning this year. And if things don't improve, they will never see benefits of my labor.

So, we have a government that lies to us, tells us what to do and think, threatens us with prison and kills us with political correctness. Sounds like the Soviet government. I didn't sign up to be communist slave. Push is coming to shove and when it does we will see if the American people are made of the same stern stuff as our ancestors. I don't know, but we shall see.


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