Monday, June 11, 2007

Bush Walks Away from Me

I have supported President Bush since 911 and even went so far as to walk door-to-door to campaign for him in 2004. I haven't always agreed with every plank of his presidency but could support him by virtue of his willingness to fight the enemies of this republic.

I have disagreed with the President's position on immigration reform since he first proposed his vision during his first term. Reasonable men can disagree. But on May 29th President Bush walked right away from me when he said...

"Those determined to find fault with this [immigration] bill will always be able to look at a narrow slice of it and find something they don't like. If you want to kill the bill, if you don't want to do what's right for America, you can pick one little aspect out of it, you can use it to frighten people."

So I don't want to do what's right for America Mr. Bush? Really?

Which slice of this immigration bill is good for America?

Perhaps you're referring to the slice of the bill the ignores the fact that these immigrants broke our laws when they stole into America, often using forged documents to obtain work, education, health care and other goodies. Should people be frightened that immigrants start their American experience by breaking a few laws? What other laws might these immigrants ignore once they set up housekeeping in America? Traffic laws, theft, rape, murder?

How about the slice of the bill that secures the border? Why should I believe that the government will do something tomorrow that it has failed to do for the past 20 years? The government seems far more concerned about the rights of the criminals on the border than enforcing either our laws or our border. Agents Campeno and Ramos tried to enforce the law and they are in prison while the Mexican drug dealer they tried to apprehend is living large on taxpayer money. Should people be frightened that the government cares more about immigrant rights than US citizens rights?

Maybe the slice of the bill that advises that the illegal immigrants will go home and apply for a visa, then wait eight years for approval? I'm just certain that THAT will happen. After all, we know that these people have the utmost respect for law and deep pockets to relocate back to whatever place they came from. Should people be frightened by this belief in Santa Claus by senior government leaders?

Then there is the slice of the bill that claims that the government will do background checks on these 12 to 20 million immigrants before they come back to America? The government can't even process a million applicants in a year, let alone perform a thorough background check on 20 million immigrants. Should people be frightened by this bald-faced lie?

How is this right for America to allow millions of criminals to break into America, consume our resources with no attempt to adopt our culture?

Mr. Bush, if you want to live in a corrupt Mexican culture then you and Laura can move south of the border. I don't want it. I sorta like our quaint culture of law and order, civility and middle class values. You can call me un-American as you walk away from me but who is really doing what's right for America Mr. Bush?


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