Monday, January 08, 2007

Democrats want to surrender Iraq to Islamist Extremists

There is no other way to characterize the intentions of the Democratic Congressional leadership.

This weekend I took the time to read the Kagan/Keane strategy posted at AEI. It is rumored that the President will propose this plan in a speech to the American people this week. The essence of this proposed strategy is to clear and hold several mixed Shia-Sunni neighborhoods in Baghdad to improve the security of Iraqis. A modest increase in US troops in Baghdad and Anbar province will be required for 12 to 15 months. A successful execution would reduce sectarian violence and give the Iraqi government a chance to establish itself.

The plan seems reasonable to me and I think we should give the President and our troops an opportunity to win. The alternative is withdrawl and defeat with consequences too awful to even contemplate. If we hand Iraq over to the Islamic extremists, we will confirm bin Laden and Ahmadinejad's claims that the West is weak and Islam is the destiny of the world. The world would reap Dark Age destruction.

The Democratic leadership believe that the American people gave them a mandate in the last election to withdrawl from Iraq no matter the consequences. Pelosi, Reid and their fellow travelers consider the war in Iraq pointless and lost. Apparently, they want to isolate America from Islamic extremists and sit down to rationally discuss appeasement. This apparent "strategy" reveals their utter lack of understanding of the enemy.

Islamist extremists don't want to talk to us, they want to rule over us or kill us. There is no room for discussion or negotiation. Although the Democratic leaders are power hungry meglomanics, they are no match for the power crazed zealots leading the Islamists. Until Pelosi and Reid start encouraging their followers to strap on suicide vests, they are no match for our enemies.

If Pelosi, Reid and company are correct and the American people want to abandon the Iraqi front on the war on Islamic extremists, then Western civilization is eventually doomed to the dustbin of history. Who would lead this battle in the world if not us? Where would the West make it's stand?

I don't believe the American people are as weak and fickle as the Democrats portray us. But I may be wrong. How we go forward in the Iraq front will define who we are as a people and determine the future of the world. Let's hope that Americans step up to the challenge facing us and tell the Democrats to sit down and be quiet while men do their solemn work. Otherwise it would be wise to convert to Islam in 2007.


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