Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Offending Muslims at Ramadan

I've recently read that muslims are starting Ramadan "tired, exhausted and humiliated". The poor dears! Perhaps if muslims restrained the fanatics in their midst and stopping killing each other and infidels they would have more vigor and self-respect. But....

So this Ramadan I want to wish muslims a special greeting. The followers of the murdering, theiving, raping, enslaving, pedophile prophet Mohammed can kiss my Celtic ass. Offended? Humiliated? Poor dears.

The Pope was right. Islam is evil until muslims can prove otherwise. And I'm not holding my breath and hoping for the best. I'm sick of your excuses. Neither me nor Israel nor US foreign policy is the problem. Islam is the problem. And the problem is a problem for muslims to fix... or we will. And if we fix the problem, well...muslims won't like the fix. But that will be Islam's fault. So, muslims, ponder fixing your cult this Ramadan.


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