Monkey in Charge
The porch monkey says that the "private sector is doing fine". Really? Unemployment 8.2%, wages down 33%, part-time jobs up, people leaving the workforce up... is fine? We have a monkey running the country.
Either the sorry mother-fucker pretending to be president doesn't know or he doesn't care. I can't read people or companies anymore. So how would I know? I'm just a dinosaur living in the world of disgusting monkeys. Arrogant monkeys with SmartPhones and Facebook, all believing that they are special. Well they aren't. They may know the price of all the latest Chinese tech toys but they know the value of nothing!
The monkey is watching me? Fuck him. He's disgusting and I wouldn't vote for him if my very life depended on it. How anyone finds a pot smoking, Frank Marshall Davis communist pervert sitting around in soiled underwear cool or sexy is beyond my comprehension. It's just sick.
All the monkey has in his one-trick bag is blame. Blame Bush, blame states, blame the GOP, blame everybody but hisself.
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