Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm Pissed!

The creepy, stupid foreigner occupying the White House and his clown posse that has taken over the US government is finally starting to really piss me off.

It came out today that Obama wanted to apologize to Japan for nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end WW2. Seriously? Who started the war and who wouldn't surrender to prevent an even bigger bloodbath if the US and Russia had to invade Japan. There may not even be any Japanese alive had the invasion occurred. Obama is a fucking imbecile!

Then there's Biden claiming that without Obama's $447B Jobs Bill union payoff there will be more murders and rapes. It's Obama and Biden supporters who are committing 95% of the murders and rapes. What dumbass thinks more cops will prevent crime? They only cleanup the mess created by Democrat Socialist's Great Society welfare state that breeds the criminal class.

And the best for last. Goddamned Obamoid multiculturists want more Latino themed National Parks and monuments. WTF would that be? Turn the Alamo into a Mexican Memorial? As for other minorities, how about Little Big Horn battlefield as an Indian National Park, Pearl Harbor as a Japanese Park and Compton as a Negro Park. How about a park for queers to suck each other off? Oh...that's right. That's every freakin park in the country. The possibilities for racist jackassery are endless with Obama's clown posse racists.

It's time for sane adults to impeach these crooks and nutcases before they destroy what's left of this goddamned country. I'm pissed!


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