Monday, May 02, 2011

Obama on Osama

The face of Al Qaeda is dead. A good thing. Many thanks to the soldiers and spooks who put bullets in his face. Americans won't be any safer after the demise of the sheik and some think there could be attacks because of it. It doesn't matter, revenge was necessary.

Osama bin Laden accomplished many of his goals. The US is damn near bankrupt, the people are divided and the US is hated in much of the world. His story of America as the Great Satan has become mythology and generations of mujaheddin will fight and die under his banner. A great crime against his people. Generations of Americans will die with them.

Pakistan has shown itself to be an evil nation. They talk friendship and take US money while giving sanctuary to a mass murderer of civilian Americans. Both Afghanistan and Pakistan should be abandoned by US troops, quarantined and subjected to space based kinetic bombardment when they act up.

It is unfortunate that the world will never know the whole story about 911. I can't believe that Al Qaeda acted alone. There is more to the story than 19 hijackers getting lucky one day and killing 3000 people. At the very least, Al Qaeda had help with this mission. The sheik might have been able to shed light on events had he been taken alive.

The markets and dollar were supposed to rise and oil price decline on American vengeance. All were flat, indicating the death of the sheik was an emotional non-event for most of the world. The US brand name is utterly destroyed at this stage of the game. Maybe it's the room full of clowns below.

I'm uninspired. Maybe I should thank these leadership elites. But no. I'll thank the thousands of peasant soldiers who have toiled, bled and faithfully served to kill those who would kill us. They are the heroes.



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