Sunday, May 01, 2011

Elites Will Determine Your Future

Victor Davis Hanson has written an interesting blog this week titled Ok, Let's Decline in which he largely blames Obama for the rot in this country. Obama deserves plenty of blame as the nominal leader, but only as the leader. He didn't elect hisself, he had an american electorate that put him in office.

Hanson seems to believe that ordinary americans get to decide if the country will decline, as if every american has a voice in the decision. I'm going to have to disagree with the professor. You see, an ordinary american's vote isn't worth anything in the modern republic.

Only about 40% of americans even bother to vote. They are mostly polarized into two parties that are herded by the MSM media like hogs to their favorite feed trough. The global elite controlled media herd the hogs by manipulating the message until their candidates are the only ones on the ballot. Whoever gets elected takes instructions from global elite lobbyists no matter what ordinary americans want. The whole system is rigged from the beginning.

Obama and 535 members of Congress are sock puppets for the global elites, bought and paid for before they even get on the ballot. Blaming them is ridiculous, like blaming a puppet for it's actions. If you want change then you have to remove the elite's ability to put candidates on ballots, i.e. control campaign funding and lobbying. Better yet, hang the elites if they try to buy votes.

The decision to decline wasn't made by ordinary americans. Folks want their kids to have opportunities in life. Decline won't help any ordinary folk's kids opportunities. So no ordinary americans would choose decline. That's absurd.

But the global elites see fortunes to be made and power to be gleaned if those pesky, ordinary americans can be put in their place. Which is Mexican, Chinese or Kenyan peasant poor and powerless. Oh, they'll keep a small, terrified managerial class around to run things. But they'll stay in their place knowing they can be tossed in the peasant class, or worse, if they act up. Decline is great if you're a global elite.

The global elites want decline for ordinary americans so they can live the vida loca. Ordinary americans don't have a say in the matter. Just sit your fat ass in front of the TV and watch Dancing with the Stars. The elites will determine your future.


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