Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rush to Armageddon

World events the past ten years have been impossible to understand and predict. Lame Cherry has some ideas to explain about what has happened and what will happen. The Third Wave. It's worth pondering. I've added my take on his musings.

The global elites planned a multi-phased attack that would leave the world order in chaos and them in total power.
  • The 911 attack was a setup to drag the US into war debt and repression by the global elites. Only a Pearl Harbor type attack could get americans to take on trillion dollar debts, invade countries on a WW2 scale and surrender Constitutional rights. The wars would set the US up as an international pariah, breakdown the concept of nation states and advance the idea of an international body to rule mankind. The elites would run the non-elected organization from the background.
  • Next hedge funds were manipulated to create an unprecedented bubble that could be collapsed to wreck nation-state economies. The center of this 2008 economic warfare was the US and the intent was to so cripple america that it could never recover. In the process, america's economic model would be revealed to be broken and unworthy of future emulation. America's wealth could be moved to China where the people were more compliant and easier to manipulate.
  • In the aftermath a destructive administration and Congress could be elected to drive america deeper into debt and slavery to the government while hopelessly dividing the population. The people's will and optimism could be systematically destroyed as the government rewrote history to make americans into human rights monsters worthy of hatred and intervention by the rest of humanity.
  • Finally LC believes that the global elites will play the remnants of the West, Chinese, Russians, Latinos and Muslims against one another until humanity begs for an international government to be appointed by the global elites. They will rule as unelected hereditary emperors  forever over global peasant slaves.
I wish I could say this was impossible, fiendish fantasy. But look how events have played out over the last decade. No-one is trying to improve any problem and our leaders are trying to make matters worse with agendas like anthropomorphic global warming, Iran's nuclear proliferation and the breakdown of responsible civilizational standards.

Common Americans are the only people who can stop this rush to Armageddon by evil global elites. Is there enough Americans or even the will to stop what is coming? Or is John's revelation and God's judgement at hand.


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