Thursday, February 03, 2011

Destroying the US

Ari Shavit is an idiot. Well, an idiot on what's happening with rioting muslims. He pretty much got it right on the West. If muslims are liberating themselves, it is from leaders under Western influence. They'll be subjects of new leaders who are Islamists.

It is incredible watching the US and the West utterly collapse before my very eyes. I'm no longer angry about it. I just observe it like living history. The US in particular has destroyed all bonds these last few years and demonstrated unprecedented weakness.

Culturally, technically, economically and militarily the US is in full decline. All of our levers of power are held and controlled by those who want to wreck america. They are succeeding. Oh, we still have the trappings of power such as carrier battle groups and sophisticated weapons systems. But they are either not used against enemies of the former US or missued to bring ruin to us.

Hanson says we are ruled by a multiculturalist nightmare. Well, it's destroying the US and the West. Not Egypt.


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