Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egypt Open Thread

Mohamed ElBaradei says the "US is losing credibility by the day". Well, fuck you, global elite stooge, who actualized Saddam Hussien and nuclear Iran as a bought and paid for agent of global elites. And the US government has no credibility anyway, hasn't for years. So WTF?

Egypt in chaos! Muslim Brotherhood prisoners were broken out of prisons, looting, mummies burned, robbery, murder, gangs with machetes wandered the streets. Tanks, jets, soldiers on the street, police return to the street after a two day absence.
Is this the future of the world?

Yeah. Blame the US. It's what Arabs and Muslims do. And dance when americans are killed by Muslims. Democracy? It requires a culture of knowledge and recognition of human rights. Something that the people who embrace Islam do not possess. It would be democracy for donkeys. And that would not work.

Obama will go down in history and the president who lost Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt. More importantly, his election by the american people signals the fall of america as a great power. We are now post-WW2 England sliding into irrelevance of both current events and history.

 As usual, VDH has a good analysis of the situation. Knowing the culture, wish for the best but prepare for the worst.



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