Friday, October 22, 2010

EU vs. US: Tantrums vs. Maturity

Here in the US, most of us old farts have quietly postponed retirement dreams and plan on working as long as health and employers will let us work. No rioting, protests or even whining really. No one is burning cars, blockading refineries or striking. Just sober resignation that our nest eggs have been destroyed so we have to keep working if we want to maintain any semblance of our previous lifestyle.

Over in Europe, many of the people are throwing an enormous temper tantrum over very modest increases in retirement age. Riots and strikes are destroying millions of euros in wealth that they don't have, cutting off their nose to spite their face. The French in particular, plan to continue strikes and riots even though the legislation increasing retirement age has passed.

Europeans often cite that america is less mature and civilized than Europe. I've had this statement tossed in my face dozens of times by European visitors that look down their aristocratic noses at americans and the US. But who is mature and civilized now? Tantrum throwing Europeans or resigned americans?

Democrats are the Europeans of america. The quicker we can get these childish, uncivilized parasites on boats headed back to Europe the better off we'll be. It might even help Europe fix their demographic problem so they can continue their ponzi scheme for another generation. Or maybe they'll just all eat each other.


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