Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Thoughts on Recruiting Queers in the US Military

The Pentagon has advised recruiters to hire queer soldiers. 

Why would the question of sexual orientation come up in a job interview? I've interviewed quite a few job candidates over the years and I've never asked anything about their personal lives at all. Especially not that question. So why would a military recruiter ask a candidate that question? I wouldn't expect a job candidate or recruit to blurt out their sexual preferences. I would consider any candidate who felt I needed to know about their sex life as some kind of weirdo that I wouldn't want to be around, let alone work with for the next few years. I wouldn't even hire a pretty woman if she told me in an interview that she likes to have sex with her husband. The matter is just inappropriate in a job interview.

So what's a recruiter supposed to do? Ask some guy if he likes to puff peckers or some gal if she likes to chew rugs? I don't think so. I suppose recruiters are going to have to just ignore many queer's need to demonstrate "in your face homosexuality" and sign em up and let the drill sergeant sort it out.

Transvestites might be tricky for recruiters. Some potential recruits might check both male and female or say they are in between. Where do you bunk a transvestite with a penis?

I wonder if the Ivy league schools will allow recruiters on campus now that the military is recruiting queers?

Will the Army have all queer brigades with rainbow unit flags and pink camo uniforms?

When the wolf is at the door do you look for the fairies next door or the guy with the deep voice and wife with a tramp stamp to save you?

I think most americans don't care what you do in the bedroom but they don't want to know about it either. Few coworkers in my forty one years of work have ever discussed their sexual exploits. Mostly the exception has been queers. In every case I've told coworkers to keep it to themselves, it's inappropriate in the workplace and creates a hostile work environment. Everyone gets one warning then it's an HR matter.

Don't ask, don't tell worked just fine for the military until queers and their activist judge friends had to make it an issue. Queers can't seem to be satisfied unless everyone knows in detail what they do in the bedroom. Ok. But actions have consequences. So if you're shunned because you prance around telling the squad that you like to puff peckers, tough shit. If you bleed out after a gunshot wound because nobody in the squad wants to get possible HIV infected blood on them then tough shit too.

Our fucking government is ridiculous.


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