Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DOW Falls below 11k on Bank Fraud News

The DOW fell 1% today on bad news, bad news and more bad news.

China raised interest rates to fight inflation in the Middle Kingdom. China's economy is growing despite the US depression and they want to maintain a stable currency. Apparently the idea of higher interest rates in China scares the hell out of american debtor investors.

IBM, Alcoa and Microsoft reported crappy earnings this quarter leading investors to dump these stocks as the depression continues in america.

BoA is in a shitstorm for foreclosure fraud, cutting the bankster's stock value in half. BoA may be on the hook for up to $47B in fraudulent loans. But hey, they are TBTF and Helicopter Ben will drop bags of $100 bills to them if they say the magic word. But HFTbots are selling their stock anyway.

What's the difference between John Gotti and bankers? Gotti goes to prison while banksters get multi-million dollar bonuses paid for by government loans. Is TARP 2.0 coming?


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