Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rules of Idiocy in Afghanistan

A recent report from Afghanistan clearly demonstrates why the Obama administration is basically murdering US troops serving there.

Word had come down the morning Brooks spoke to this reporter that watch towers surrounding the base were going to be dismantled because Afghan village elders, some sympathetic to the Taliban, complained they were invading their village privacy. "We have to take down our towers because it offends them and now the Taliban can set up mortars and we can't see them," Brooks added, with disgust.- Washington Examiner
WTF? Are you kidding me?  Invading village privacy? I tell you what Abdul, we'll take the towers down but you have to provide security by reporting any Taliban activity in the area. If so much as one bullet is fired at our compound, we'll gang rape all your women, sell your children in Africa as slaves then shell your village to rubble. Capisce?

"I don't think the military leaders, president or anybody really cares about what we're going through," said Spc. Matthew "Silver" Fuhrken, 25, from Watertown, N.Y. "I'm sick of people trying to cover up what's really going on over here. They won't let us do our job. I don't care if they try to kick me out for what I'm saying -- war is war and this is no war. I don't know what this is."-Washington Examiner: 

Amen brother. Bring the troops home now!


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