Monday, September 06, 2010

Get the Tense Correct Abdul

Another day, another mob of third world dumbasses stomping on an american flag and chanting "death to america".  Wake up you backwards goat fuckers, America is already dead. The nation died on September 11, 2001.

I have to give generations of americans credit for really trying to create a multicultural republic where freedom and individual rights were paramount. But the effort ran afoul of human nature and now the US is fractured into cultural groups that can never agree on anything. It now takes an omnipresent, all powerful federal government to impose order by making every american unhappy by degree.

Let's face the truth, the muslim attack on the WTC and other american environs was the end of America. Not because of the attack itself, but because it was the opportunity for America to rip itself apart. And it did.

Immediately after the 911 attack, I thought to myself that either America will come together like after Pearl Harbor or it will disintegrate. I had hope for a short while that the former had prevailed, but after swimming around in the intertubes for awhile I lost all hope. Over the past nine years I have watched America utterly rip itself apart. It is just waiting for someone to call the date and time of death.

It's hard to put a finger on it but every human has a self-destructive urge inside of them. We eat too much, drink too much, smoke cigarettes, date the psychopath, do dope, take on debt we can't possibly ever repay, ride motorcycles, etc knowing these behaviors will harm us. But we do them just the same.

Nations are made of humans and behave just like individual humans, with self-destructive behaviors that will kill them in extremis. Every great nation has offed itself from inside. Sure, Rome faced external threats but the collapse of Rome came from inside the empire, not because of barbarians on the outside. Consider that those who overran Rome did so because they wanted to be Romans. Ironic eh?

America died for the same reason that Rome died. It forgot what is was and tried to be everything to everyone until one day, it figured out it never could, and it's people just gave up on the whole thing.

I'm there. I don't think america can ever resolve it's differences and I'm sick of a federal government that tells me how to think and behave. I don't want to speak espanol or have mexican neighbors next door. I hate everything that islam stands for and don't want to listen to their constant hectoring in my neighborhood. I despise black culture and don't want it turning my descendants into an african tribe. I'm disgusted by queer's focus on their private parts and just don't ever want to know anything about it. I'm not saying my culture is better than yours, I'm just saying that my culture is not yours. If I wanted that shit I would move to Mexico, Iran, Botswana or San Francisco. I don't.

It would be one thing if mestizos, muslims, queers and blacks did their thing, paid for it themselves and didn't make me care about it. But they demand that I pay for it, know about it in detail and spread it into my culture. Our federal overseers demand that I silently endure their constant bitching about my racism, oppression and the historical wrongs to society. I don't buy it nor care about it. STFU about it already!

The elites gave up on the original concept of America a long time ago and the only way that the current farce of america can continue is at bayonet point. I'm over it, not because I reject the original concept, but because of the farce that it has become cannot go on. As Pogo said, we have met the enemy, and it us.

Death to America? Get the tense correct. America is dead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That's all I can stands. I can't stands no more." (Popeye the Sailor Man)

Yet I keep coming back for more.

Very depressing, but true.

Linda P.
Bronx, NY

2:58 PM  
Blogger lugh lampfhota said...

Well Linda, if it's depressing for you to read, imagine how depressing it is to research and write the melancholy stuff I post.

But thanks for coming and reading. I hope you take something good away from your visits.

Have a good week.

9:21 PM  

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