Friday, September 03, 2010

Drug Peddling, Murdering Gangs were Tricked

Chicago gangs claimed at press conference athat they were tricked? Get the fuck outta here. Dope dealing murderers are victims now?

Here in little Bruigville we have gangs from three major cities peddling drugs in the city, and fighting turf wars. About two years ago one gang shot up a car with a gangbanger from another gang in a car with two local girls. The other gangsta wasn't hit but both girls were shot and one died.
White girls getting on dope and hanging with niggas never turns out well, but in this case it was fatal for one girl. The gangstas went home and bragged about the shooting, were arrested and brought to Bruigville for trial. This month a jury found the driver and shooter guilty of murder and sentenced them to 165 years in prison. We should have hung them on the courthouse square, as our granddads surely would have.

A decade ago in Bruigville, two gangs went on a 30 minute, 30 block gun battle from cars when school let out one bright fall day. No one was hurt but it freaked everyone out. The out-of-town gangstas were caught and sentenced to 50 years in prison for the moving gun battle. One big city gangsta said the sentence was harsher than he would have got at home and filed suit for prejudice and was laughed out of court. He was lucky the menfolk didn't hang him for endangering their children.

I want out-of-town drug peddling gangstas shot dead when arrested. I want their goddamned corpses hung from trees where the highway comes into town as a sign to their brothers to stay out. Some race baiting grifter would whine and file suit but maybe we hang him too. I'm sick of gangs peddling death in my community.


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