Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Unseen Purpose

Conan Kennedy wrote about observing bats flying wildly about, seeming mindless and insane until one understands that bats use sonar to track insects. Once one understands the unseen purpose, the seeming madness vanishes.

The past few weeks the Bush administration has appeared to make serious public relations blunders regarding both the Cheney hunting accident and the Dubai Port World acquisition of Peninsular and Oriental. These blunders appear to be insane, but what is the unseen purpose?

The "late reporting" by the Whitehouse of the details surrounding Cheney's hunting accident drove the MSM insane. MSM reporters and pundits threw temper tantrums unrivaled by toddlers when they were ignored by the ultimate adult, Dick Cheney. Responsible Americans watched the tantrums of MSM personalities and Dhimmicrats and concurred that these spoiled children were throwing a fit over nothing. No responsible adult would let a spoiled brat lead the republic.

The tempest in a teapot over the lawful acquisition of P&O by Dubai Port World by the MSM and Dhimmicrats was even more rabid than the Cheney incident. Media personalities and politicians fell over each other demonstrating their total ignorance of commerce, government oversight, security and even the english language. More importantly, both MSM and Dhimmicrats demonstrated a degree of racism that would make Jefferson Davis proud.
The same media and Dhimmicrats that complained about NSA wiretaps and torture at Gitmo said that Arabs can't be trusted. None of em. According to MSM and Dhimmicrats, all Arabs are terrorists-in-waiting. Once again, responsible Americans listened and decided that the media and Dhimmicrats are just too ignorant to lead America into an uncertain future.

Pundits think the Bush administration insanely blundered through the past two "crises" but perhaps there was an unseen purpose in the unmasking of MSM and Dhimmicrat elitism, racism and ignorance. The wascally wabbits!


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