Saturday, October 16, 2004

Coarsened and Divided Nation

The scorched earth policy of Kerry and the DNC ensure that whomever is elected this November will have to lead a less civil and divided nation.

The Democrat campaign has been based upon boundless hatred rather than issues. The disloyal opposition has attempted to portray the President of the United States variously as a chimp, a Nazi, an oil thief, a stooge for business, a racist, a religious nutcase, a homophobe, a deserter, an alcoholic, a drug addict, a liar and a warmonger. These are not attacks on the President's policies but attacks on the President's person. For Democrats, the only issue seems to be President Bush, and they would hurt anyone to destroy the President.

The Democratic platform is based upon division of the American people. Class warfare is the showcase plank. The Democrats need to blame all of America's problems on the wealthy Republicans whose alleged racism has oppressed blacks, workers, gays and even the crippled. If we just taxed the rich, all of America's problems would disappear. Since President Bush is the big Republican, getting rid of him would rid the nation of the pestilence of the GOP (just like capturing Usama bin Laden would rid the world of al Qaida).

However, class warfare, once unleashed, is difficult to control. The French learned this lesson during the Reign of Terror that sprang from their revolution. As society breaks into smaller and smaller class groups, it devolves into anarchy. Society consumes itself in the process as law and order break down.

Kerry and friends attacks on Bush are in fact attacks on the office he seeks and the Republic itself. The office of President has been diminished in this campaign, as has our nation. Neither will ever be seen quite the same again. What decent person would subject himself, and his family, to the depradations of the mob to hold the tarnished office of a broken nation?

America I weep for thee.


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