Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Zarqawi Fighting for Tyranny and Chaos

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi believes he has a strategy to defeat the forces of freedom in Iraq. Is he winning the war?

Zarqawi has adopted a slash and burn policy in Iraq. He is attempting to undermine both American and Iraqi will to establish a free, orderly state in Iraq. His tools are terror and Western mainstream media that serve as his propaganda medium.

This criminal believes that the American public will be horrified by blowing up soldiers and kidnapping then beheading civilians. He thinks that Americans will stop coming to Iraq and just go home. However, after several hundred IED explosions that have killed and maimed American troops, the patrols continue. And, after the beheading of Nick Berg, contractors continue to come to Iraq.

Zarqawi believes that he can discourage Iraqis from enlisting in security forces and working with the provisional government by murdering Iraqis. However, Iraqis continue to enlist and show up for work even after thousands have been killed and maimed.

Zarqawi hoped to draw ignorant young Arab men to his cause by killing infidels. He has had some success but there is no evidence of massive numbers of recruits volunteering for what has become certain death. He has no more than a few thousand recruits from a Muslim population of about one billion. US re-enlistment rates outnumber Zarqawi's volunteers.

Is Zarqawi's plan working? Apparently not. He can't murder every American or Iraqi. And they just keep coming despite his horrors. What new horror can he deploy to increase terror? If kidnapping, beheading and random roadside bombs won't do the trick, what horror does he have left in his terrorist kit?

Americans and Iraqis are no stranger to death. Anytime an American gets in an automobile he knows he could be killed or maimed. Iraqis have faced torture and death out of nowhere for their entire life from Saddam's thugs. Zarqawi has underestimated his enemies.

In the end, Zarqawi is fighting for tyranny and chaos while Americans and Iraqis fight for freedom and order. Have you ever seen a successful cause rally under a banner for tyranny and chaos? Zarqawi has already lost the battle and is doomed to die like the mad dog he truly is. We will mourn the victims of Zarqawi's horrors but who will mourn his passing?

Zarqawi.....may you have flies on your eyes ...soon.


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