Sunday, October 31, 2004

Tantrum Politics

Many in this generation embrace Tantrum Politics and it is ripping society to pieces. These spoiled, irresponsible punks believe they have a right to whatever they want and absolutely refuse to consider any compromise. We see this behavior in the home, the workplace and in public. Divorce, lousy work ethics and coarse behavior are just a few manifestations of how low American ethics have truly become. Much of America is a Jerry Springer show.

The past four years and this election are a mirror of American society and it will get worse. How can a leader lead when many citizens refuse to be responsible or compromise? How can we debate issues when we revile the speaker? Admitting any mistake is like handing your attacker a bigger club to bludgeon you senseless.

American society is breaking apart and lawyers aren't helping. In too many cases, the crime is no longer the issue; the case is decided by the skin color of the defendent or the behavior of the victim. Right and wrong, good and evil or the requirements of civil society are irrelevant. Elections are now fair game for selfish, spoiled punks who believe they have a right to everything. Scream loud enough and mommy and daddy will let you have your way.

Half of America is unruleable...and it will get worse unless the adults start taking the punks to the woodshed.


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