Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Maybe I'd be safer moving to Waziristan

I've come to the conclusion that there's no hope for this country, or the world for that matter. The human herd's problems are just too many to fix. And the tendency is to let the worst go too far for too long while stomping the nice little girl with a lemonade stand in suburbia.

Where would you even start in 2011? Where would Romney or Perry or Palin or Bachmann draw the line in the sand? Who's entitlements would they cut first? How would the cut-off respond? Riot or quietly die?

When it became clear that ancient Rome was out of control those who could escape to some distant province of the Empire did so. They took their stuff and bought into some barbarian space, kept their heads down, married into the local power structure and made a new way.

I thinks that's all that's left to americans. It's all totally out of control now and it's only going to get much worse no matter who becomes Caesar. Democrat, Republican. It doesn't matter. Things have gone too far. All our leaders can do is have children groped at airports for their "security" while welfare youths rampage in urban jungles for amusement.

Only suckers play by the rules anymore. Go to work, get married, buy a house only to have the elites steal your money, lure your woman away with "Real Housewives of Hell" fantasy entertainment and then steal your house and pension. It's better to fuck your way through the welfare sluts, take their welfare checks, sleep in their government provided bed, living like a barbarian. You end up in the same grave.

No one sings praises to my name for working 42 years, being married for 38 years, buying my house, building a pension, saving some money, staying out of trouble and off the dole. My leader calls me a racist and clinger who has enough and should give more. His buddies have stolen my savings, pensions and most of the value of my house and are fixin' to steal it all before I go into the grave.

Maybe I'd be safer moving to Waziristan.


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