Saturday, September 10, 2011

911 Ten Years Later

On the ten year anniversary of the 911 attacks Obama will say that "America's character is stronger than the blow inflicted by al-Qaida or any other threat to the country". That's nice and may be true but the attack began a divisiveness that split the country and has ultimately destroyed it forever. Ten years later, in my mind, the fall of those towers are symbolic of the Fall of America.

At first, I had great hopes for this country coming out of the attacks. I thought the country might pull it's head out of it's ass, come together and embrace the cultural imperatives that had made America great. But in less than a year it was clear that the divide was too big and the nation had forgotten the culture that made it great.

For ten years the nation squandered lives and treasure, not fighting the traditional war that needed to be fought, but engaged in some group therapy sessions with cavemen that, in the end, will be for naught. We live in a PC police state, freedom is gone yet there will be more attacks.We won nothing.

The government has pulled all power to itself, embedded that power deeply and in turn been purchased by elites that are hell-bent in amassing wealth and power for themselves. The elites used the pretext of and the financial crisis caused by the war on terror to aggregate and leverage wealth until they wrecked the global economy that they created. While many people lost their wealth and jobs the elites were bailed out and lost nothing. We lost everything.

But these failures aren't the worst affects of the 911 attacks. The very worst affects belong to the average individual american that allowed this all to go on so they could have their SUV, 60" LCD, McMansion, iPad and Blackberry. They didn't fight the plundering elites and won't share the diminished future with the one in five americans that will lose even a chance at ever having a future. They say "I got mine. Fuck you".

These are democrats, republicans and pricks that put this corrupt government, bought and paid for by crony capitalists, in office to wreck everything that this country ever stood for. Employment, education, medical care, government services, everything has been destroyed and those who benefited have told those who lost to just fuck off.

An AP-NORC poll found that 33 % of americans think the willingness of people to help each other out has gotten worse (while another 45% don't think at all, about anything, ever). We don't live in a country as fellow citizens anymore. The idea of a United States of America is gone. It fell with those towers into the sewers of Manhattan, never to be seen or heard of again.

I can't stand the sight of an american flag or the sound of the national anthem because it's all a goddamned lie. It meant something once upon a time in history. But now it's just a cover to herd people together to be fleeced, groped and lied to. If you doubt it then remember Congress and Obamacare. We have to pass this legislation so we'll know what's in it!

Tomorrow thousands of americans will attend memorials to those who died on 911. Those who lost loved ones will make honest pilgrimages. But many will wrap themselves in a flag and pretend it means something to them when all it really was was just an opportunity to get ahead. That makes me as sick as the hole in the ground memorial at Ground Zero and the mosque around the corner.

3000 people died on 911. Some were brave, some went certainly to their death. Most just died. All were murdered by a religion that should be put out of human existence. We didn't. Our parents ended Nazism. We didn't really even try to end Islamism.

More than 3000 people die every year in america. Gang violence, child and elderly abuse, poverty and drunken driving kill at least 3000 americans every year. We allow these deaths to be inflicted on our own innocent, fellow citizens. We don't gather to mourn their passing. Why? Because it occurs in the dark, not on national TV?

I'll think about those who died tomorrow without a flag fluttering, a song in the background or words. Just a thought about how fleeting lives truly are. I won't think about how good america was at dealing with this. We failed and lost everything. That will make it even sadder. Stare into the hole!


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