Thursday, September 08, 2011

Mexifornia has "failed" power lines?

Um yeah. Both power lines into San Diego just mysteriously, concurrently "failed". Yeah, like heat or something. Not to worry. It's NOT terror related. That's NYC and DC's problems to worry about. You see, Islamists just hate liberals who mostly inhabit those cities.

I don't travel to the left coasts and I don't fly. So I don't feel endangered. I never have and probably never will. This whole "war on terror" thing has seemed contrived and surreal mostly to me. And since I no longer feel bound to the folks on either coast, I really don't care what happens. They bring most of the troubles on themselves. Let them sort it out. They got all the answers anyway.

No, us folks in the middle are invisible to the rest of the world. And it can stay that way. We have electricity tonight, no Mohammeds are looking to park car bombs in our suburban driveways and Obama isn't trying to buy our votes.


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