Friday, August 19, 2011

I Give Up

DOW in under 11K and probably not done losing value as people panic while the global economy slips deeper into the Depression. My stock is down 5.5% for the year, having lost all my 2011 gains and then some. This year is gonna be a bust for retirement savings. I'm losing hope for the nest egg due to the parasites running the global economy.

My work is barely keeping it's head above the water. Workers are fleeing the company, vendors are revoking credit and customers are few. I go to work every morning and see if the doors are open. It's bad.

I'm sick of this crap. My last two employers both went balls up. I lost my job as a result. Now this employer is dying. At 60 I have a snowball's chance in hell of finding a job. I'm considering just suckling at the taxpayer's tit for a year then retiring early. Unemployment, HCTC, food stamps supplemented with savings would keep us afloat. Barely. Someone else can take care of me. I've done my share.

I tried for 43 years but just couldn't succeed. The deck is stacked against me. I give up.


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