Sunday, August 14, 2011

What Were You Thinking Michelle?

Why would Michelle pick this food to eat knowing that photos will be taken? Does she have any public relations handlers? Are they perverts? Or is she trying to get attention, and votes, of young males?

And what the hell is she holding? A butt-plug on a chain?

Well she won

I like Michelle's political views more than the RINO Romney, nutty Paul, preacher Perry, Santorum, Cain, Gingrich and Huckabee. But I don't need to know she can, or would, deep throat. Just too much information about a potential leader of the free world. This is a case of either bad judgment or desperation to get elected. Both are a negative to me.

And what is Sarah doing? She kept her face in the public at the fair but seems to be letting the pack thin out before she throws her hat in the ring. I like Sarah's views on things.

The GOP is really two parties now, a traditional GOP and a conservative Tea Party. The traditional party voter's views are too moderate to vote for conservatives while the conservative voters can't abide RINOs. So the party is seriously divided. Independents will only vote for a moderate. So we'll get Romney. Socialist vs. Marxist. Both the best candidate that elite money can buy. Chances are that the shoeshine boy will be re-elected to preside over the fall of the US.

I'll retire in North Mexico in 2017.


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