Monday, December 27, 2010

AGW Causes All Weather - In Some Circles

No matter what happens, people desperately want to feel relevant. They want to be at the center of the universe, the center of attention and the reason for existence. That's the only thing I can come up with to explain much of the individual and civilizational madness in the world today.

Dr. Judah Cohen, Director of Seasonal Forecasting, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. recently wrote a bizarre editorial in the NYT where he claims that AGW is the cause of all weather. Too hot, too wet, too snowy, too dry; it's all AGW at the root.

Well of course Dr. Cohen is going to be on the global warming bandwagon, he and his company financially benefit directly from scam. He is heavily, personally invested since he obtained a PhD in Atmospheric Sciences from Columbia. Without climate change he is just another lab rat writing incorrect forecasts that no one reads. With global warming he is a highly sought-out writer and lecturer who gets to attend conferences in exotic locations where he can yammer on and people actually listen to and write what he says. He's a rock star!

In a world of 7 billion people, almost everyone wants to stand out of the crowd. That special tattoo, the quirky attitude, the sophisticated lifestyle are all sure to be a crowd pleaser. They'll get you the attention you need and desire, and might make you a pile of cash to boot. Surely you'll go down in history as a notable while mere mortals are forgotten by even relatives within a couple of generations.

I may not have a PhD in atmospheric sciences but I have lived for damn near 60 years. So I know that weather will happen. Hot, cold, snow, dry, wet plus storms will happen. We will have warm periods and cold periods, snowy and rainy periods and dry periods. It's the way of God's creation. You could make up a narrative about the weather or interpret a dream. It's all the same.

Judah Cohen will have his pieces of silver and his moments in the spotlight but he will rot in the ground in the end. Future schoolchildren will not read his life story or visit a monument to his genius. All of his doings will be undone. Just like the rest of us. What he should worry about is what his maker will think of his doings in this mortal coil.


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