Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nazis Following Orders

Remember all the outrage when DHS was formed after 911? Progressives called President Bush a Nazi for stealing their freedom by means of Chertoff's DHS. I was never fond of any organization that uses "Homeland" in it's title as it sounded a little to German Security Apparatus for my tastes. But nothing oppressive occurred under the Bush administration DHS.

It takes a democrat administration to bring out the worst of DHS. The Obama regime TSA has turned into a police state apparatus, progressively becoming more authoitarian and less responsive to the american people. Recently TSA used police state tactics to harass and intimidate a pilot who spoke out about ineffective TSA procedures.

Special types of people are drawn to law enforcement. They are not normal people. They see themselves on a mission from God to make the world right. These are the people who tortured and burned "witches and heretics" in the Middle Ages and dutifully rounded up and gassed Jews in Nazi Germany. You can't reason with these people because they are just following orders. And they will follow any goddamned order they are given.

The TSA is drifting towards becoming the Gestapo under the Obama regime. Where is the ACLU? Are they asleep or do they support american law enforcement becoming the KGB? Where is the media? Same deal? In Russia, Putin harrasses, arrests and sometimes kills political dissenters. How is Obama different with regard to his political dissenters, except by degree?

What the government did with regard to this pilot is wrong. State and federal bureaucracies ran rough shod over his civil liberties and the Constitution. Is this how the Constitution ends? Nazis following orders?


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