Saturday, December 18, 2010

GM: Pack of Theives and Liars

Our local GM plant just can't stop demonstrating how utterly morally bankrupt the new GM truly is. When GM and Delphi came out of bankruptcy last summer Delphi gave GM $259M worth of equipment. GM promptly put the plant and equipment into GM Component Holdings because they don't want to make parts. They just want to assemble cars from parts made by the lowest global bidder (slave wages are A-OK). GMCH is planning on closing the plant as soon as they can outsource the parts. So the equipment has no long term value to them at all. So they self-assessed the equipment value at $7.4M!

The 97% decrease in GMCH property tax assessment stunned local government officials. They saw their life flash before them with the gaping hole in their budgets. Officials consulted their lawyers then restored the original assessment. GM said they would appeal. They have and stand by their value of $7.4M.

The local assessor spoke out yesterday, saying that GM's self-assessed value is less than scrap value! Yeah. The slimeballs at GM are not only willing to shut down the plant, lay off employees and deprive the community and schools of revenue. GM scumbags want to cheat the local government by claiming that their equipment is worth less than scrap! Spit.

And who are these scumbag owners of GM? Well, the federal fucking government, the UAW and a bunch of goddamned banksters. That the taxpayers just bailed out. And who's taking credit for saving american jobs and communities? None other than the Kenyan/Indonesian Marxist Barack Hussien fucking Obama.

So the whole stinking mess goes to court, little Bruigville gets to fight GM attorneys to keep from getting fucked unmercilessly. If local government and schools lose the fight, local taxpayers get to pick up GM's tab.
This little community that provided quality parts to GM for almost 100 years will be set on the curb like garbage so GM can "compete" globally. And GM is prepared to cheat the taxpayers just like they cheated their salaried retirees, bondholders and america.

GM is a pack of theives and liars.


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