Saturday, November 27, 2010

Of Fools and Grifters

Former senator Alan Simpson co-chaired the Obama Debt Reudction Commission and recently lashed out at an undefined age group as the "greediest generation" of americans. His comments weren't very coherent and he showed very little comprehension of why his commission's work was criticized. The senator should know that calling people names is not going to help his cause.

Everyone knows that US debt is unsustainable in the new global "normal" economy. The commission made prudent recommendations to cut future spending that might reduce debt. As Simpson said, the commission  just looked at data then cut a little of this and a bit of that. This approach will not work, it will only lead to anger and inertia.

Any US debt solution needs to start with a common vision of what 21st century america is going to Be going forward. Promises were made when we were one people with common values. Somewhere along the way, america splintered into many people with many, diverse values. There is no common vision of america at this point in time and the promises were carelessly discarded in the gutter once they became inconvenient.

The american people need to decide what america is going to Be going forward. Are we going to be the world's policeman? Are we going to be a socialist or capitalist state? Is the individual or the state sovereign? Should multinational corporations have limited or unlimited power? Does the US have borders? Should we raise Shanika's bastard child? Why are queers important to america? When is the debt for slavery put paid? Is the government a jobs and benefits organization or a servant of the people?

There are a multitude of questions, but we better figure these out so we can know where to cut spending. Until we can answer these questions to develop a path forward we are just gyrating through a maze like a mindless top.

I don't know if Simpson is ignorant or just senile but he isn't speaking like a leader with 50 years experience. People will follow a wise leader who gives sound, common-sense advice. People will look after themselves, i.e. be greedy, if given advice by a fool. The american people know that they have been led by either fools or grifters for decades. So they look after themselves.

Simpson compared this generation with the "greatest generation" who defeated tyrants, built the most successful economy in the history of man and created the most just civilization in history. He found this generation greedy in comparison. What did the "greatest generation" have that we don't? A common set of goals. Modern america has little in common.

So Simpson can call me greedy if I don't want any more goddamned mexicans in this country, don't want to raise Shanika's bastard, don't share GM's grifting global corporate vision, don't care about queers, am not a subject of the state and won't be led by fools and grifters. If Simpson and crew want my better angels then they better listen to what common men like me have to say. Otherwise just call me "greedy" John Galt.

I'm done being lied to and lectured by fools and grifters.


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