Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Note to Readers

Other than Googlebot, Obama Gun Ban zombies and a few regular readers this blog suffers from the Irish curse, may grass grow on your doorstep. The gloomy news and my cynical treatment of it has run off the few readers I had. If this blog were a company, I'd be bankrupt because I'm not bringing value to my customer.

I intended this blog to be a place where I could put current events into historical perspective so I could make sense of it all. In the beginning I read often, thought much and posted little. The disturbing events the past couple of years have caused me to read even more, have less comprehension because of the irrational nature of events then post far too many fragmented,cynical pieces. Like the old programmer's adage "garbage in, garbage out" I am suffering from "disturbing in, disturbing out".

I've come to the conclusion that it's really impossible to analyze and rationalize insanity. And insanity is what we have writ large at this time. I believe great bloggers like Wretchard, Hanson and others are suffering from the insane topics afoot in our world. Like me, they seem sad and angry about what's going on yet helpless to do anything about it.

I no longer find the news either amusing nor informing. Mostly just sad, disturbing stories and propaganda from criminals who masquerade as our leadership elite. We have an Obama with the moral authority of a Putin or a Bernanke with the credibility of Ahmadinejad. NYT, Pravda, BBC are all just propaganda organs of some unhuman organization.

Since I neither bring value to readers or myself, I'm going to read less, think less and post sparingly. I think it's all been said really.


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