Sunday, November 21, 2010


I've never been a conspiracy theory kinda guy. But now, I just don't know. There's just been too much, too often and I've heaved over to the camp that wonders if we're in the midst of a global coup d'etat.
  • Why would governments, academia and the media conspire to create a global warming hoax?
  •  How could Al Qaeda train then commandeer five aircraft so easily?
  • Why would banks ignore fiducial responsibility to allow a housing bubble to grow until it destroyed the global economy?
  • Why would the government and corporations allow much of US manufacturing to move to communist China?
  • Why won't the US government allow oil drilling in the US?
  • Why is the US southern border wide open?
  • Why is the US government ignoring the 4th Amendment and treating US citizens like criminals?
  • Why are democrats, republicans and the media all attacking Sarah Palin and the Tea Party?
  • How can the Fed and government bail out global banks by borrowing and printing money that taxpayers can never repay, then borrow and print more that enslave our grandchildren to banks?
Something is terribly wrong. None of these things happen accidentally or because of a single bad government. Vast organizations don't all go stupid at once, down to the lowliest clerk. People saw things. But everybody trusted their leadership to look after them and their organization. Now some of us wonder.

The EU and the Treaty of Lisbon is a perfect example. When the voters of the individual nations voted on the EU constitution, most disapproved, fearing the loss of a representative government. The EU rammed the treaty through, much like the US healthcare reforms, and now Eurps are subjects of unelected bureaucrats.

One of those bureaucrats, Hermann Van Rompuy, said in 2009:

"2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of a financial crisis; the climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet."

Global governance? Who signed up for that? I don't recall the Eurps, americans or anyone else voting for "global governance".

I don't know the particulars of who our global leaders are but I have my suspicions. And I don't think these global leaders give one moments thought about what's best for the common man. The last hope for man is the US Constitution but now it is under full attack by global leaders. The Fall of the Republic is here unless americans wake up and take a stand. How? I don't know. But we better figure it out.


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