Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Something Yet to Come

Just in time for the coming holidays the government has decided that it is done pussyfooting around with the american people. The elections are over, the stock market has sloughed off the pretend gains, the Fed is monetizing debt and I suspect the really bad stuff is about to start happening. DHS is not even pretending to care about the Constitution or what americans think about abusive procedures.

A few weeks back I wrote that something had changed. That there was an air of desperation about our leadership elites. I believe we're seeing something new manifest itself.
  • The intrusive TSA searches at airports, for now.
  • The insistence on the deficit reduction commission recommendations for changes.
  • Fear mongering over cyber-attacks and terrorist attacks and bank stress tests and bailouts.
  • Government manipulation of gold, bond, stock and commodity prices. Capital controls. Government induced inflation.
 It is as though the game is rigged and carefully choreographed for something yet to come.  I don't know what.


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