Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19 Tab Dump

The BP well is sealed but the fate of the Gulf offshore oil industry is unknown.

The EU is discussing regulations for the $700T shadow banking system commonly known as hedge funds. Just as in the US, governments think they can control investment. More likely the funds will just move to friendlier environs that don't try to restrict human nature.

US standard of living is in peril from simultaeneous deflation and inflation effects. The jig is up.

Texas is fighting Obama's EPA attempts to regulate CO2 in 2011. I wish them luck in this effort although I think federal courts will side with the omnipotent federal government. Besides, since when did Obama ever care about laws.

The Taliban have wised up and are waiting for the West to declare victory and get the hell out of Afghanistan. Smart move goat fuckers.

Wall Street banksters are hurting, the poor babies!  I guess that what comes around, goes around. Ironic.


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