Thursday, September 02, 2010

Obama Gun Ban

Obama has blocked the sale of Korean M1 Garands and Carbines in the US market because "the guns might fall into the wrong hands". The president should also block myriad other items that might "fall into the wrong hands", such as Hyundais, steak knives and such that potentially could be used by drunk drivers or illegal aliens. Hell, I knew a guy who stabbed a fellow student in the face with a BIC pen when he got mad. Better ban those too.

Shooting enthusiasts covet M1s and the supply in the US is nearly consumed by collectors. The Civilian Marksmanship Program has sold military surplus Garands and Carbines to a couple of generations of shooters without incident. These weapons are too heavy and not cool for for most gangstas and criminals. It is absurd to suggest that these weapons will resort to more gun crime.

This is a sad day for shooters and americans, when the government acts like anal retentive mommies that decide what Johnny can or cannot have. More likely, Obama hates guns, bibles and those to cling to them because he doesn't want any opposition to his big government takeover.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


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