Friday, September 24, 2010

Bruig na Boinde Celebrates Six Years

This week Bruig na Boinde celebrates six years and 429 postings. I have enjoyed the research for my off and on postings on geopolitics, culture and the economy. Mostly I just vent my frustrations on the aforementioned topics.

Blogging has provided discipline to my intertube wanderings and forces me to pull my thoughts together in a coherent manner just in case someone might read them. But it's all for me really. If someone else reads this blog and finds it useful, then all the better. Even if they just enjoy my angst.

Bruig na Boinde is but one of the estimated 50 million plus blogs and 55 million social network users on the internet. Never in the history of mankind has a common person had the capability of reaching so many people with their ideas. I am in awe of it all.



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